The Last Federation – Betrayed Hope
Was ist ein The Last Federation – Betrayed Hope Steam Key?
Durch den The Last Federation – Betrayed Hope Steam Key kannst du das Spiel direkt bei Steam aktivieren. Nach der Aktivierung befindet sich The Last Federation – Betrayed Hope in deiner Steam Bibliothek und du kannst sofort mit dem Download beginnen. Wie Spiele auf Steam aktiviert werden, erfährst du hier.
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Betrayal Mode: Ignore your ideals and conquer the solar system with armadas of your own! Invasion Mode: Obscura invaders have already wiped out one race, and now threaten all the others. Can you rally a counterattack? 17 new ships, 2 new solar system backgrounds, 32 new abilities, 19 new achievements, 13 new music tracks, and 5 new quests!About The ExpansionBetrayal Mode reverses the usual game flow, making you a full planetary power trying to achieve solar domination — adding a new layer of 4X onto the existing game. You gain the ability to command armadas and ground troops, and the meaning behind political deals is very much shifted. Rather than working toward unity, you attempt to destroy all your foes through subterfuge, war, and temporary alliances.
Invasion Mode sees you working with the other races to survive slaughter by a grave new threat, putting yet another major spin on things.
- Betriebssystem: Windows XP SP2 or later
- Prozessor: 2.2Ghz CPU
- Arbeitsspeicher: 2 GB RAM
- Grafik: Screen resolution at least 720px high, and 1024px wide.
- Speicherplatz: 1 GB verfügbarer Speicherplatz
*Sprachen mit voller Audiounterstützung